AlcoholEdu for High School is an online course designed to increase alcohol-related knowledge, prevent alcohol use and its related consequences (i.e., riding in a car with a driver who has been drinking), and discourage acceptance of underage drinking.
Search Results - Drugged Driving Resources
The Drugged Driving Intervention Library is a searchable, online catalog of existing intervention strategies for preventing and reducing substance use and drugged. When you search the Drugged Driving Intervention Database, you can find the answers to questions such as: What evidence-based intervention programs target the problem of drugged driving in high school-aged students? This is an evolving database, and prevention strategies and programs are continually being added.
Above the Influence
Above the Influence is a free, web-based media campaign created for the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, a program of the Office of National Drug Control Policy. The website offers information about drugs, resisting the pressure to use substances, and resources for youth who have questions or need help. The overall goal of the website is to help teens stand up to negative pressures, or influences, especially around initiation of substance use.
Across Ages
Across Ages is a school- and community-based substance abuse prevention program for youth ages 9 to 13. Youth are paired with older adult mentors and participate in community service, recreational activities, and social competence training. The overall goal is to increase protective factors for high-risk students to prevent, reduce, or delay the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, and the problems associated with substance use.
All Stars
All Stars is a school-based prevention program for middle school students. Teachers lead a series of 13 interactive weekly sessions that focus on five topics: (1) developing positive ideals; (2) creating a belief in conventional norms; (3) building strong personal commitments to avoid high-risk behaviors; (4) bonding with school, prosocial institutions, and family; and (5) increasing positive parental attentiveness. The overall goal is to prevent and delay the onset of high-risk behaviors such as drug use, violence, and premature sexual activity.
Brief Marijuana Dependence Counseling
Brief Marijuana Dependence Counseling (BMDC) is a therapeutic treatment approach designed for adults with a diagnosis of cannabis dependence. BMDC is implemented by social workers, counselors, or psychologists as a 9-session multicomponent therapy that includes elements of motivational enhancement therapy (MET), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and case management. The overall goal is abstinence from marijuana.
Building Assets – Reducing Risks (BARR)
Building Assets—Reducing Risks (BARR) is a school-based prevention program for 9th-grade youth. Teachers lead a series of 33, 30-minute group activities that aim to build social competency, increase student engagement, and prevent substance use. The program is bolstered by strengths-based support interventions for high-risk youth and parent involvement. The overall goal is to decrease the incidence of substance use, academic failure, truancy, and disciplinary incidents among 9th-grade youth.