Creating Lasting Family Connections (CLFC) is a substance use prevention program that can be used in school or community settings. It is designed for youth ages 9 to 17 and their families, who complete six modules of curriculum over 18-20 weekly sessions. Trainers cover topics such as ATOD education/awareness, communication and conflict resolution skills, coping mechanisms to resist negative social influences, encouraging use of community services, and delaying the onset and reducing the frequency of alcohol and other drug use among youth. Participants may be referred to community services as appropriate. The overall goal is to increase family use of community services, change knowledge and beliefs about alcohol and drug use, and promote abstinence.
Drugs: True Stories
Drugs: True Stories is a multimedia drug prevention program that can be used in home, school, or community settings. Youth in grades 5-12 and their parents hear personal stories about drug use and learn how they can work together to promote abstinence. The video is accompanied by a discussion guide, which is designed to provoke candid conversation regarding drug use and offers questions for those who are participating in the program. The intervention can be delivered in its entirety or in segments (e.g., three 50-minute sessions). The overall goal is abstinence from substance use and reduced intention to use.
Healthy Workplace
Healthy workplace is a workplace-based substance abuse prevention program designed for adults who are not substance-dependent. Small group sessions with video and print materials cover topics such as unsafe drinking, illegal drug use, prescription drug use, and healthy lifestyle practices. The overall goal is for employees to increase healthy lifestyle behaviors while reducing or eliminating substance use.
Keep a Clear Mind
Keep a Clear Mind (KACM) is a take-home drug education program for youth ages 9 to 11 and their parents. The four lessons are: alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and tools to avoid drug use. Children receive incentives for completion of the lessons and parents receive support and resources through a newsletter and a program facilitator. The overall goal is to help children develop specific skills to refuse and avoid use of “gateway” drugs.
Keepin’ it REAL
Keepin’ it REAL is a multicultural, school-based substance use prevention program for students 12-14 years old. Trained classroom teachers lead students through a 10-lesson narrative and performance-based curriculum, which draws from communication competence theory and a culturally grounded resiliency model to incorporate traditional ethnic values and practices that protect against substance use. The overall goal is to help students assess the risks associated with substance use, enhance decision-making and resistance strategies, improve anti-drug normative beliefs and attitudes, and reduce substance use.
LifeSkills Training
LifeSkills Training (LST) is a school-based prevention program for elementary, middle, and high school students. Teachers lead students through discussion, group activities, and role-playing scenarios that focus on personal and social skills that build resilience and help youth navigate developmental tasks, especially understanding and resisting the influence of drugs. The overall goal is to prevent alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use and violence among youth.