The “Problem Behavior Resulting from Drug or Alcohol Use” measure asks students how many times they have gotten into trouble with different people in their lives due to drug and alcohol use.
Interactions with law enforcement
The “Interactions with Law Enforcement” measure asks students about their experience with police arrests, police questioning, court appearances, legal detainment, likelihood of being punished for illegal behavior, and the type of punishment for illegal behavior.
Substance use
The “Substance Use” measure asks students about their past and present use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
Sample item: “How many times in the last year have you used angel dust or PCP?”
Exposure to delinquent peers
The “Exposure to Delinquent Peers” measure asks students to think about their friends’ delinquent behavior over the past 12 months. Behaviors include drug use, theft, physical violence, and drug distribution.
Attitudes towards deviance
The “Attitudes Toward Deviance” measure asks students to report their feelings about delinquent acts.
Sample item: “How wrong is it for someone your age to use marijuana or hashish?”
Parental Attitudes Favorable to Alcohol, Tobacco, or Drug use (subscale)
The “Parental Attitudes Favorable toward AOTD Use” measure prompts participants to assess their parents’ attitudes about drug use.
This measure is from the Communities That Care® Youth Survey, which assesses the incidence and prevalence of substance use, delinquency, and related problem behaviors. It also measures the risk and protective factors that predict substance use, delinquency, and problem behaviors in communities.
Sample item: “How wrong do your parents feel it would be for you to: drink beer, wine, or hard liquor (for example, vodka, whiskey, or gin) regularly?”
Number of items: 3
Read more about this measure and download the full questionnaire.