Teen Intervene is a school- or community-based intervention program for 12- to 19-year-olds who display the early stages of alcohol or drug involvement. The program is typically administered in an outpatient, school, or juvenile detention setting by a trained professional in three 1-hour sessions conducted 10 days apart. Parents are included in the third session in an effort to support parent-teen communication and support around abstinence goals. The overall goals are for teens to reduce and ultimately end their substance use.
Drugs: True Stories
Drugs: True Stories is a multimedia drug prevention program that can be used in home, school, or community settings. Youth in grades 5-12 and their parents hear personal stories about drug use and learn how they can work together to promote abstinence. The video is accompanied by a discussion guide, which is designed to provoke candid conversation regarding drug use and offers questions for those who are participating in the program. The intervention can be delivered in its entirety or in segments (e.g., three 50-minute sessions). The overall goal is abstinence from substance use and reduced intention to use.
Family Matters
Family Matters is a home-based substance use prevention program designed for youth ages 12 to 14 and their families. Through mailed booklets and telephone consultations with a health educator, families learn to communicate about tobacco and alcohol use, media/peer influences, and general family characteristics and rules. The overall goal is delayed onset or abstinence from alcohol and cigarettes.
Family Support Network
Family Support Network (FSN) is an outpatient, multi-provider, substance abuse treatment program targeting youth ages 10-18 years. FSN includes 12 sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy for the adolescent, six family education meetings addressing recovery and family management issues, four home visits to reinforce the family’s commitment to treatment for the adolescent, and case management to address barriers to treatment. The overall goal is abstinence from substance use.
Brief Marijuana Dependence Counseling
Brief Marijuana Dependence Counseling (BMDC) is a therapeutic treatment approach designed for adults with a diagnosis of cannabis dependence. BMDC is implemented by social workers, counselors, or psychologists as a 9-session multicomponent therapy that includes elements of motivational enhancement therapy (MET), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and case management. The overall goal is abstinence from marijuana.
Cocaine-Specific Coping Skills Training
Cocaine-Specific Coping Skills Training (CST) is a therapeutic treatment approach designed for adult cocaine users. Participants work with a trained psychologist individually or in a group, learning skills and behaviors to reduce and avoid drug use. CST is delivered in up to eight 45-minute sessions three to five times a week. The overall goal is abstinence from cocaine and alcohol.