Brief Marijuana Dependence Counseling (BMDC) is a therapeutic treatment approach designed for adults with a diagnosis of cannabis dependence. BMDC is implemented by social workers, counselors, or psychologists as a 9-session multicomponent therapy that includes elements of motivational enhancement therapy (MET), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and case management. The overall goal is abstinence from marijuana.
Cocaine-Specific Coping Skills Training
Cocaine-Specific Coping Skills Training (CST) is a therapeutic treatment approach designed for adult cocaine users. Participants work with a trained psychologist individually or in a group, learning skills and behaviors to reduce and avoid drug use. CST is delivered in up to eight 45-minute sessions three to five times a week. The overall goal is abstinence from cocaine and alcohol.
Chestnut Health Systems – Bloomington Adolescent Outpatient and Intensive Outpatient Treatment Model
Chestnut Health Systems- Bloomington Adolescent Outpatient and Intensive Outpatient Treatment Model is a therapeutic intervention designed for youth ages 12 to 18 who meet the American Society of Addiction Medicine’s criteria for Level I or Level II treatment placement. Treatment includes a 14-week skill-building group, weekly group counseling sessions, and an individualized treatment plan. The overall goal is behavioral and emotional change that leads to abstinence from alcohol and drugs.