Project Northland is a school- and community-based multilevel prevention program for adolescents in grades 6-8. Lesson content involves students, peers, parents, and community members with home-based curriculum for families and peer- and teacher-led curriculum in the classroom. Student-parent homework assignments, in-class discussions, skills training, and role-plays, and community-based projects comprise the program. The overall goals are to delay the age at which adolescents begin driving, reduce alcohol use among those already drinking, and limit the number of alcohol-related problems among young drinkers.
Lions Quest Skills for Adolescence
Lions Quest Skills for Adolescence is a school-based life skills education program for youth ages 10 to 14. Educators, community members, and parents are engaged to help youth develop skills in five areas: (1) essential social/emotional competencies, (2) good citizenship skills, (3) strong positive character, (4) skills and attitudes consistent with a drug-free lifestyle and (5) an ethic of service to others within a caring and consistent environment. Lions Quest SFA includes a series of 80 45-minute sessions. The overall goal is to help young people develop positive commitments to their families, schools, peers, and communities, and to encourage healthy, drug-free lives.
Building Assets – Reducing Risks (BARR)
Building Assets—Reducing Risks (BARR) is a school-based prevention program for 9th-grade youth. Teachers lead a series of 33, 30-minute group activities that aim to build social competency, increase student engagement, and prevent substance use. The program is bolstered by strengths-based support interventions for high-risk youth and parent involvement. The overall goal is to decrease the incidence of substance use, academic failure, truancy, and disciplinary incidents among 9th-grade youth.