Too Good for Drugs (TGFD) is a school-based prevention program for kindergarten through 12th grade that builds on students’ resiliency by teaching them how to be socially competent and autonomous problem solvers. The K-8 curricula each include 10 weekly, 30- to 60-minute lessons, and the high school curriculum includes 14 weekly, 1-hour lessons plus 12 optional, 1-hour “”infusion”” lessons designed to incorporate and reinforce skills taught in the core curriculum. Students learn how to be socially competent and autonomous problem solvers. The overall goal is to increase prosocial behaviors while decreasing intentions to use substances and engage in violence.
Team Awareness
Team Awareness is a workplace-based prevention training program that addresses behavioral risks associated with substance abuse among employees, their coworkers, and, indirectly, their families. The interactive training focuses on six components: the importance of substance abuse prevention; team ownership of policy, stress and coping styles, tolerance and how it can become a risk factor for groups; the importance of appropriate help-seeking and help-giving behavior; and access to resources for preventive counseling or treatment. The overall goal is to improve group climate, understanding of substance use policies, and help-seeking attitudes and behaviors, while reducing alcohol and drug use attitudes, use, and related problems.
Stay on Track
Stay on Track is a school-based substance abuse prevention curriculum conducted over a 3-year period with students in grades 6 through 8. Stay on Track provides youth at each grade level with 12 45- to 50-minute lessons taught by classroom teachers. Motorsports is a motivational theme, with each lesson relating program objectives to professional racing activities and personalities. Special emphasis is given to tobacco, alcohol, club drugs, hallucinogens, prescription drugs, marijuana, and inhalants. The overall goal is to increase knowledge about substance use, increase personal competence skills and self-esteem, and change attitudes and intentions related to substance use.
Recovery Training and Self-Help
Recovery Training and Self-Help (RTSH) is a group aftercare program for individuals recovering from opioid addiction. A professional therapist and a group leader co-lead participants through a program designed to deactivate addiction by teaching and supporting alternative responses to stimuli previously associated with opioid use. The overall goal is abstinence.
Project Venture
Project Venture is an outdoor experiential prevention program designed primarily for 5th- to 8th-grade American Indian youth. The program is designed to foster the development of positive self-concept, effective social interaction skills, a community service ethic, an internal locus of control, and improved decision-making and problem-solving skills. Students participate in classroom-based activities, experiential activities such as camping and hiking, adventure camps and wilderness treks, and community service learning. The overall goal is to develop the social and emotional competence that facilitates youths’ resistance to alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use.
Project Towards No Drug Abuse
Project Towards No Drug Abuse (Project TND) is a school-based prevention program for high school youth. Twelve 40-minute interactive sessions are taught by teachers or health educators, and have been used with both high-risk traditional students across school settings. The curriculum focuses on self-control, communication, and decision-making skills that help teens to resist drug use. Students also learn how to acquire resources to help them resist drug use and develop the motivation to not use. The overall goals are abstinence from alcohol, tobacco, and drug use, as well as reducing the risk of victimization and the frequency of weapons-carrying among students.