Training for Intervention Procedures (TIPS) for the University is a multimedia, school-based prevention program designed to help college students receiving the training to make safe, sound decisions regarding their own high-risk drinking behavior (e.g., underage drinking, drinking to intoxication, drunk driving) and enable them to intervene to prevent this high-risk behavior among their peers and friends. The program has three modules which can be delivered over one 2-hour session: (1) information about alcohol and other drugs, alcohol’s effects, and jurisdiction-specific laws related to alcohol; (2) skills needed to recognize when an intervention is indicated and then implement such an intervention; and (3) a behavioral rehearsal module in which students practice intervention skills they have discussed and observed. The overall goal is to reduce alcohol consumption among college students and the high-risk behavior related to alcohol use.
STARS for Families
Start Taking Alcohol Risks Seriously (STARS) for Families is a school-based health promotion program that aims to prevent or reduce alcohol use among middle school youth ages 11 to 14 years. STARS for Families has three components. Youth receive individual consultations about alcohol use, parents and guardians receive information at home on how to talk to their children about alcohol, and families complete take-home lessons together designed to enhance communication. The overall goal is abstinence from or delayed initiation of the use of alcohol.
Recovery Training and Self-Help
Recovery Training and Self-Help (RTSH) is a group aftercare program for individuals recovering from opioid addiction. A professional therapist and a group leader co-lead participants through a program designed to deactivate addiction by teaching and supporting alternative responses to stimuli previously associated with opioid use. The overall goal is abstinence.
Reality Tour
Reality Tour is a volunteer-driven substance abuse prevention program that is presented to parents and their children (ages 10-17) in a community setting over the course of one approximately 3-hour session. Trained community volunteers present testimonies from individuals with a history of addiction, information on drugs, coping, and refusal skills, and an opportunity for families to hear from law enforcement personnel and ask questions. The overall goal is to increase children’s negative attitudes toward alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other illicit drugs, as well as their perceived risk of harm from use of these substances.
Across Ages
Across Ages is a school- and community-based substance abuse prevention program for youth ages 9 to 13. Youth are paired with older adult mentors and participate in community service, recreational activities, and social competence training. The overall goal is to increase protective factors for high-risk students to prevent, reduce, or delay the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, and the problems associated with substance use.