MASEP is a court-mandated intervention for first-time DUI offenders. The goal of MASEP is to reduce recidivism for drug- and alcohol-related traffic offenses through changing participants’ attitudes towards drug and alcohol use, increase their motivation to change their behavior, and reduce instances of impaired driving.
Interactive Journaling
Interactive Journaling is designed to reduce substance abuse and substance-related behaviors, such as recidivism of driving under the influence, through a process of written self-reflection.
The Brief Negotiation Interview for Harmful and Hazardous Drinkers (BNI)
The BNI is a screening tool and brief intervention model for use in hospital emergency departments with adults presenting for acute care and who have a history of hazardous or harmful drinking. The intervention uses motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral strategies to reduce high-risk alcohol use and driving under the influence of alcohol.
Moderation Management
Moderation Management is a complementary online intervention designed for nondependent, heavy-drinking adults who want to reduce the number of days on which they drink, their peak alcohol use on days they drink, and their alcohol-related problems. (MD) is a Web-based behavioral self-control skills training program, and Moderation Management (MM) is an online support group network. MM offers online and face-to-face mutual support meetings, a listserv, and an online forum connect concerned drinkers trying to make positive lifestyle changes. The overall goals are alcohol abstinence and a decrease in alcohol-related problems and peak alcohol use on drinking days.
Teen Intervene
Teen Intervene is a school- or community-based intervention program for 12- to 19-year-olds who display the early stages of alcohol or drug involvement. The program is typically administered in an outpatient, school, or juvenile detention setting by a trained professional in three 1-hour sessions conducted 10 days apart. Parents are included in the third session in an effort to support parent-teen communication and support around abstinence goals. The overall goals are for teens to reduce and ultimately end their substance use.
Recovery Training and Self-Help
Recovery Training and Self-Help (RTSH) is a group aftercare program for individuals recovering from opioid addiction. A professional therapist and a group leader co-lead participants through a program designed to deactivate addiction by teaching and supporting alternative responses to stimuli previously associated with opioid use. The overall goal is abstinence.